Each practice affiliated with University of Maryland Faculty Physicians Inc. ("FPI") is a separate legal entity, and each practice is the legal custodian of medical records for its patients only. FPI is the legal custodian of certain medical billing records only.

For Patients and Personal Representatives Only

If you are a patient or personal representative and wish to request records from one or more FPI practices, you can send your request to any FPI practice for any or all of your FPI practice records. Please make out such a request to "University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, Inc." and send your request to any FPI practice. Coordination of requests across multiple FPI practices is a courtesy available to patients and personal representatives only.

Patients and medical personal representatives may, but are not required to, complete a HIPAA authorization to request their own records. Any compliant HIPAA authorization will be accepted, or you can use FPI's HIPAA authorization form. Instead of a HIPPA authorization, patients and personal representatives can send a written request in any format so long as the request:

  1. Clearly identifies who should receive the records;
  2. Clearly identifies where the records should be sent; and
  3. Is signed by the patient (or medical personal representative with supporting documentation, if required).

To inquire about an existing medical record request, please call 610-994-7500 – Option 1. You will be transferred to MRO, FPI's third-party record release vendor, who can provide a status update.

For Other Third-Party Requesters

To request copies of patient medical records, please send your request to the specific FPI practice that is the custodian of the records. Any compliant HIPAA authorization will be accepted, or you can use FPI's HIPAA authorization form. Note that there is a list of the FPI practices on page 2 of our HIPAA authorization form.

To inquire about an existing medical record request, please call 610-994-7500 – Option 1. You will be transferred to MRO, FPI's third-party record release vendor, who can provide a status update.

UMMS Records

Neither FPI nor the FPI practices are the custodian of records for any University of Maryland Medical System ("UMMS") hospital or UMMS site. For information about obtaining medical records from an UMMS hospital or site, please visit UMMC's Request Medical Records website.

You may need to request records from both UMMS and the FPI practices if the patient was seen in multiple physician office, outpatient, and hospital settings.